Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Photo Manipulation

This is my project I did for photo manipulation. I took 5 photos and put them in one. I had to use the magic wand tool and a lot of cropping tools to make this picture successful. I took 2 pictures of my sister and one of my cat to place into the picture of the fan. I also took out the background in the door to put a picture of the sunset I took.


           As a young graphic designer, I think “First Things First Manifesto,” means that people see graphic designs everywhere we go. Everything you see at the store has something designed to fit the product. But graphic design is more than that: we should be using our talents to create awareness for people. Not to say designers in the advertising world are wasting their time because they aren't, but these designs do not do much for the world. We could be putting these graphic designers to work where their work could be appreciated in many different ways. Let’s create designs that want to make this world a better place, not to just get people to buy things.

            I've grown a lot as a graphic designer this quarter, because my perspective on graphic designs has broadened. I didn't really know what ‘graphic design’ was coming into this class, but after seeing several examples and creating some of my own, I now understand what it is all about. I go out into the world now and notice more things and how they could have been created just from being in this class. Photo shop wasn't my strongest suit at first, but after working with it a lot, I feel a lot more comfortable using it. At first I didn't know how to take my ideas and design them, but as I continued I got better.
            I feel like I should get an A in this class. Even though my projects weren't top notch, I feel like I have grown as a graphic designer. I've really grown to like designing things on the computer, and this was the perfect class to build my foundation as a graphic designer. I think I could have put a little more into my projects, but I was just trying to get comfortable with the software we were using and actually transfer the thoughts in my head onto the computer screen. I would also like to thank Ben Gosnell for helping me in this class and with my photo shop ideas. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Perks of Being a Wallflower

This is my movie poster I created for "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" based on the style Saul Bass used in his movie posters. Because it was a "wall" flower, I took it literal and used a brick wall as my background and used flowers. I used only a few colors just like Saul Bass would have. I took a famous quote from the movie and put it in the infinite symbol it represented. It's a very simple poster but it fits the movie well and it kind of looks like a poster Saul Bass possibly could have created. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Photo Manipulation

This picture just started as a bare night sky, but after manipulating it a little bit, it turned out as this. This one photo is made up of ten different pictures. When finding pictures to put in here I had to take into consideration the lighting and the angle of each picture. I had to use the eraser and magic wand tool to get ride of the background that I didn't want. I also had to change the opacity of some layers so it would flow better with the whole picture. I'm pretty happy of how it all turned out.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Environmental Design

This is my environmental design project. To create this I had to use photo shop and majority of the time used the same tools over and over again. I create each individual object in a separate window. I then took every object and put them into one single file. To make it fit each spot I used the transform tool to make it fit and look legit. I arranged it how I wanted it to look like and ended up with this. Hopefully it's "brightens" someone's day if they ever saw this.