Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Photo Collage

I think environmental design is when you take something around you and make a plan to make it better. Environmental design is used everywhere whether we realize it or not. Environmental design takes a boring spot and makes it a lot more interesting. There are people that major in this type of design and try to make some cool 'art' out of a simple thing. They use a lot to create a certain design, such as 3-D or even use floor and the ceiling to give it another look.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Magazine Cover- DAC

This is my magazine cover that I created for the magazine "Digital Art Creation." In order to create this I had to take the logo that was already there for me and use it somewhere in my cover. I also had to choose a main cover picture from the selection of other photos I was given. I chose the tree branch picture because the colors were brown and blues and I really like these colors together. I put the logo in the top left corner to take away from the branch. When typing 'What's inside' I had to put a background behind it to be sure it was readable. I like this cover becayse it's all browns and blues, but the logo really pops out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Softball Illustrated

This is my magazine cover I created myself based off of  a Sports Illustrated template. To get the template I had to measure all the dimensions for all the lines on the cover. I had to measure the text boxes and the border. When I got all the dimensions, I went to photo shop and used the ruler and grid tool to assist me on getting the dimensions accurately. I then decided what I wanted to have my magazine about and got the information that would be fitting for it. Then I used the template I created when I put all my information on photo shop.

Friday, April 5, 2013


This poster is for the Broadway Musical "Beauty and the Beast." When creating this poster I used the pen tool to create the title. It took majority of my time because it was a little time consuming creating my own letters. As for the other text I used a provided font on photoshop. For the background I took a picture from the internet and overlaid it with a gradient background to give it that look. I think the font fits the poster well, and would entice people to come to the Broadway Musical "Beauty and the Beast."